■DJ Kensei "Cuts of the Times 2.3" 1999
DJ Quietstorm "Ura-Tags of the Times"
mary joy recordings
DJ Kensei "Cuts of the Times 2.3" cd: mkcm1010 (4/21, 1999)↑
DJ Quietstorm "Ura-Tags of the Times" cd: mjcd-011 / cassette: mjtp-005 (4/21, 1999) *DJ Kensei "Cuts of the Times 2.3" -postcard
mary joy recordings
ぼくにとって、maryjoy親方higoは、感謝してもしきれない人です。 これから、どんどん自分をそぎ落としていくことになると思います。 ぼくの刃を研ぐ「砥石」や「水」がhigoなんだと思います。 Hugo、_未だに、ぼくは、peronのおなかの中の感触に浸ってます。 NADD REIDの絵を教えてくれたのもHugo。kenseiとDJ QUIETSTORMの音、 "Tags of the Times"のcover artを手掛けたdooableを に浸りながら、この絵を描いたのは、すごく楽しかった。 ありがとう。そして give dooable our love.
■Damare 2001/09/21
DJ Quietstorm and Friends present : Damare.
Damare"DJ Quietstorm and Friends present:"↑
NMYK CD03 release 2001/09/21
Front jacket pic by AYK.
Back jacket piece by chico.
Back jacket LETTERS by KAMI. Bomborenat Sequence filmed by Baba Tex-mex at Vashist Temple. Nakameguro Yakkyoku LOGO by N.Shinya. Design by NakameguroYakkyoku
中目黒薬局、DJ QUIETSTORMの初アルバムに、KAMIが参加してくれました。 路で衝撃を受けた、" "↓ここからはじまったから、KAMI本体に辿り着き、今に至るまでもこれからも、
ぼくの頭の中では膨張してしまう。 このDamareのLETTERSも、その1部です。
■Eligh presents "Gandalf"s Beat Machine level 2"
/ 12" (6/29, 2002)
mary joy recordings
Eligh presents "Gandalf"s Beat Machine level 2" ↑A raven is coming down. With its crouched and its beak pointed, it looks at people. This raven give off the sense that a thick, 100 year bloody malice has congealed into form of goblin bird to overwatch this sinister land for a longtime.
/ cd: mjcd-027
/ 12": mj-0055 (6/29, 2002)
mary joy recordings
An elm tree rustles in he wind. I look up to see another raven on one of its branches. After a while, one more comes flying along; I do not know where it come from. At the side a young woman is standing with a boy of about seven gazing at the ravens......
The child looks up at the woman, and shouts in wonder, " Crows! Crows!" Then he says, " They look cold, so let's give them some bread ", to which the woman replied, "Those crows don't want to eat anything. " The child asked> why; but the woman only stared at the crows with a glance that seemed to go way behind her long eyelashes, and said " There are five of them". She never gave him a proper answer.
Elighといるのは、同じ"cell"の中にいるくらい自然です。 Elighの母ちゃんと同じ誕生日なのも、ぐるぐる蠢く示唆の1つかも。 自分の中では、絵と音がくっついています。
■Elusive "Elements Of A Prototype 2.0"
/ 2lp
/ 12" (7/26, 2000)
mary joy recordings
Elusive "Elements Of A Prototype 2.0" / cd: mkcm1017 / 2lp: mjlp-014 / 12": mj-0036 (7/26, 2000)
mary joy recordings
Yacchattano bychico